Anointed, Bold, Courageous, Determined, Enthusiastic, Favored, Gifted, Spirit-Filled and “Out The Box” are all terms used to describe the man known to many, as Pastor ”J”. Pastor Charles E. Jacobs, Jr. is arguable one the future spiritual leaders of our time. Armed with God’s supernatural power, favor and divine anointing, Pastor Jacobs is truly a cutting edge Kingdom leader.
Called at the early age of 17, and licensed to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ at 21. Pastor Jacobs brings an enormous amount of wisdom and experience to the body of Christ. His unique style of teaching and preaching the Word of God is empowering people everywhere to go to higher dimensions in God.
With a vision of wholeness, Pastor Jacobs believes God can and will us anyone for God’s Glory. Pastor Jacobs has an irrefutable anointing which pushes him to strive to minister to the “unreached”; those who have been overlooked or disillusioned by traditional churches. Pastor Jacobs is a modern day trendsetter and trailblazer for many others bound by tradition. Pastor Jacobs’ Kingdom mentality has paved and continues to pave the way for others to follow who were and are tired of church as usual.
Pastor Jacobs is a man of education. After graduating from the Myers Park High School, Charlotte, NC, he enlisted in the United States Navy, where he served the United States Sixth Fleet. In 1991, Pastor Jacobs was honored and awarded an Admirals Honorable Discharge, for his special service in the Desert Storm War while serving in Iraq. This honor, granted him a full scholarship to the college or university of his choice.
Granted that, Pastor Jacobs returned home to Charlotte, NC in 1991 to attend the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (U.N.C.C.). At U.N.C.C., Pastor Jacobs, a Dean’s List student received the distinctive award of “Man of the Year” and graduated in 1994 with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Early Childhood Education. In 2001, Pastor Jacobs furthered his education, by graduating “suma cum laude” from Trinity Theological College & Seminary, in Newburgh, Indiana and New Vision University, Lincolnton, NC. In 2002, New Vision University, Lincolnton, NC honored Pastor Jacobs with an Honorary Doctorate of Ministry Degree.
Pastor Jacobs is the second born of four, to the late United States Air Force Captain Charles E. Jacobs, Sr. and Deacon Edna Jones of Greensboro, NC. In 1994, God favored Pastor Jacobs with the anointed, beautiful and gifted Tracey Johnson Jacobs of Greensboro, NC to be his lovely wife. They share together a beautiful miracle baby girl, named “Myla-Joi”.
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