Next Level Ministries is a non-denominational, multi-cultural purpose-driven, Five-Star Church that intends to win the world for Christ by addressing the spiritual, social, and economic needs of the community.
On the first Sunday in August 2006, Pastor Charles E. Jacobs Jr. along with his lovely wife, First Lady Tracey Johnson Jacobs answered the divine call from God to birth a relevant ministry in Charlotte, NC. They formed a ministry that would meet the needs of all people regardless of their past or present situations; people who were once bound by traditionalism that needed to be taken to another level in the Kingdom of God. In that Spirit, Pastor Jacobs began to answer the call to a higher level in ministry. Through many thoughtful hours, fervent prayer, trials, and tribulations, the manifestation of Next Level Ministries began to take form.
The first service for Next Level Ministries was held in the chapel of the A. E. Griers & Sons Funeral Home Ceremony of Choice, Charlotte, NC. There a committed group of 12 people began "Going to the Next Level". Exactly one year later, God blessed Next Level Ministries with supernatural growth and favor. They were able to purchase their own worship facility at 7121 Orr Rd in Charlotte, NC. At this location, they began "Preparing for the Next Level" by providing opportunities to serve in various ministries, auxiliaries and establishing Kingdom teachings.
Since then, Next Level Ministries has grown from 12 members to over 500 members. This unprecedented growth has enabled Next Level Ministries to be formally recognized as the one of the fastest growing churches of the New Millennium in the state of North Carolina.
Next Level Ministries’ future is bright! Our leaders and members are committed to extended times of prayer, consecration, worship and praise through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Next Level Ministry is dedicated to raising a standard of academic and spiritual excellence by mentoring and empowering men and women from all walks of life. We love people with the incarnation gospel (exampling Christ in both the divine Word and practical deed). Our hearts desire is to leave a legacy of faith, unity and hope to future generations.